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Mark Bartolo has been in continuous professional Chiropractic practice, as well as various forms of tertiary education and professional engagement in Chiropractic for over 27 years.

Mark offers professional mentoring services to health care practitioners who may have an AHPRA or Chiropractic Board of Australia (CBA) requirement for professional counselling and mentoring.

Mark has also assisted individuals with return to practice requirements after a long break from practice.

Mark has expertise in Chiropractic professional practice issues of a very broad scope and has more than 15 years experience and more than 45 individual mentoring cases (as of June 2019).

As a mentor, Mark works with the client practitioner to assist them with satisfying the AHPRA and CBA requirements.

The process usually involves:

  • The Chiropractor contacting Mark and briefly outlining their needs
  • Mark and the potential client/practitioner determine whether Mark is the right choice for their needs
  • A draft learning plan, timeline and cost schedule are formulated
  • AHPRA nomination forms are completed if a decision to go ahead is made
  • The learning plan is submitted through AHPRA to the Board for approval
  • The mentoring program can begin
  • Feedback is given by Mark to the CBA through AHPRA and to the client/practitioner


For mentoring please email Mark at